= Version 4.10.16 | 18th December 2024 =
- Update: WC Templates.
- Fix: Issue with text domain loading.
= Version 4.10.15 | 23rd July 2024 =
- Update: WC Templates.
- Fix: Issue with text domain loading.
= Version 4.10.14 | 24th April 2024 =
- Update: WC Templates.
- Update: X/Twitter Logo Icon
- FIx: Issue with php 8.2 deprecations.
= Version 4.10.13 | 13th October 2023 =
- Fix: Issue with Google Maps when using lat and lng coordinates.
= Version 4.10.12 | 27th September 2023 =
- Fix: Issue with Google Maps.
= Version 4.10.11 | 6th July 2023 =
- Fix: Issue with TEC event when using page template.
= Version 4.10.10 | 15th June 2023 =
- Update: Woocommerce template version number.
- Fix: Issue with tags and TEC
= Version 4.10.9 | 7th June 2023 =
- Fix: Possible PHP notice error.
- Fix: Possible breadcrumb error.
- Fix: Issue with tribe events.
= Version 4.10.8 | 13th November 2022 =
- Fix: File name in CMB2.
= Version 4.10.7 | 11th November 2022 =
- Add: Filters for main classes.
- Update: Prep for PHP 8.2
- Update: Woocommerce template version number.
- Fix: Parent page in woocommerce breadcrumbs.
- Fix: Issue with default sidebar not showing as an option in pages.
- Fix: Issue wth missing alt text on topbar icon images.
- Fix: Infinite scroll issue with custom post types in list layout.
- Fix: Issue with clearing button in theme options color picker.
= Version 4.10.6 | 21st July 2022 =
- Fix: Possible PHP error with image processing.
= Version 4.10.5 | 15th July 2022 =
- Fix: PHP deprecated notice.
= Version 4.10.4 | 14th January 2022 =
- Update: CMB2
- Update: Prevent direct access to top level php files.
- Update: Woo Template.
- Fix: CSS styles around order details.
- Fix: CSS styles with woocommerce notifications.
= Version 4.10.3 | 1st November 2021 =
- Fix: Boxed mode, sticky header not maintain width on zoom.
- Fix: issue with WC 5.8 and Select2
= Version 4.10.2 | 13th October 2021 =
- Fix: Issue slider arrow.
= Version 4.10.1 | 7th October 2021 =
- Fix: Issue with gallery and custom links.
= Version 4.10.0 | 5th October 2021 =
- Fix: Issue with custom tabs having extra paragraph tags around shortcodes.
- Fix: Infinite scroll on latest posts archive.
- Fix: Issue with screen readers and variation swatches.
- Fix: Notices in PHP 8.
- Fix: Issue with admin menu page bulk select.
- Fix: Issue with double lightbox.
= Version 4.9.34 | 15th April 2021 =
* Update: Woo Template.
= Version 4.9.33 | 24th February 2021 =
* Update: Google Maps Shortcode.
= Version 4.9.32 | 10th February 2021 =
* Update: Analytics Code.
* Fix: Possible error with object being null.
* Fix: Safari issue with sticky header.
= Version 4.9.31 | 7th December 2020 =
* Update: Woo Templates to prevent notice.
* Update: Updater now works with auto updates.
* Update: aria labels for mobile menu.
* Update: Woo Templates.
* Fix: issue with cartflows.
* Fix: Issue with breadcrumbs and pagination.
* Update: Prep for WP 5.6
= Version 4.9.30 | 18th August 2020 =
* Fix: Issue with columns shortcode, and youtube shortcode.
= Version 4.9.29 | 13th August 2020 =
* Fix: Issue with testimonials added in a carousel widget or shortcode.
* Fix: Shortcode Gen.
= Version 4.9.28 | 12th August 2020 =
* Fix: Issue with ultimate member menus.
= Version 4.9.27 | 8th August 2020 =
* Fix: Cart issue with pre woocommerce 4.4.
= Version 4.9.26 | 8th August 2020 =
* Fix: Modern tribe default template.
* Fix Captions in Lightbox for Kadence Blocks Gallery.
* Fix: Web Stories Support.
= Version 4.9.25 | 5th August 2020 =
* Fix: css z-index issue with scroll to top.
* Fix: issue with redux plugin update.
* Fix: issue with thrive.
* Fix: Comments on Pages issue.
* Fix: Issue with image widget not showing alt text.
= Version 4.9.24 | 17th June 2020 =
* Fix: Woocommerce Quickview Issues.
* Update: Contact form, remove “from” so it inherits from site settings.
* Add: Custom tab support for woo search.
* Fix: Comment nesting style on mobile.
* Update: Woocommerce Elementor conflict.
* Update: Fix issue with shortcodes button showing in frontier.
= Version 4.9.23 | 10th March 2020 =
* Update: Woocommerce 4.0 support.
* Add: Support for Picu Plugin.
* Update: Lazy load issue with carousel.
= Version 4.9.22 | 17th February 2020 =
* Update: Auto focus on search query in mobile popup.
* Tweak: CSS around input radios and check boxes.
* Fix: Subscription action button styling.
* Fix: Issue variable products parent images were not used.
* Fix: Backward compatibility with Menu classes, bring back menu-{title-slug} class.
* Fix: Issue with cart icon aligning top on load.
= Version 4.9.21 | 30th January 2020 =
* Fix: Issue where videos blocks had extra padding.
= Version 4.9.20 | 28th January 2020 =
* Fix: Issue where some types of links were not saving correctly in the split content widget.
* Update: CSS for saved card payments in WC.
* Update: Nav Walker for better third party support.
* Update: Gutenberg Styles.
= Version 4.9.19 | 22nd January 2020 =
* Fix: PHP bug
* Fix: Issue with mosaic portfolio posts.
* Fix: shortcode confusing issue in portfolio type shortcode.
* Fix: Out of date template notice.
* Remove: data-vocabulary.org from breadcrumbs.
* Add: Better docs support.
= Version 4.9.18 | 18th December 2019 =
* Fix: Small Bug in the mobile header cart icon.
= Version 4.9.17 | 13th December 2019 =
* Update: Allow content carousels to have pagination dots.
* Update: Refractor some CSS decrease size by 10%
* Fix: Issue with 404 page and blog shortcode.
* Update: menu now has focus state colors.
* Update: Bundled plugins.
= Version 4.9.16 | 18th September 2019 =
* Update: Check for logo alt text.
* Update: Rev Slider.
* Fix: Chrome notice with nicescroll.
* Update: Breadcrumb, primary cat supports rank math.
= Version 4.9.15 | 19th August 2019 =
* Fix: Post In text pulling wrong setting.
* Update: Page Sidebar options for custom templates.
= Version 4.9.14 | 16th August 2019 =
* Fix: Woo Archive Sidebar setting
* Update: Site URL
= Version 4.9.13 | 12th August 2019 =
* Fix: Woo Archive Sidebar setting
= Version 4.9.12 | 8th August 2019 =
* Add: Custom Post type settings.
* Fix: Page sidebar bug.
* Update: Sidebar Function
* Update: Template Action names
* Update: Refactor Post loop templates.
* Update: Support for WC 3.7
= Version 4.9.11 | 22nd July 2019 =
* Update: CSS mobile header fix.
* Update: Gallery Lightbox.
* Fix: Post meta issue.
= Version 4.9.10 | 28th June 2019 =
* Update: Better Event Organiser Support.
* Update: Rocket Lazy Load changed, removing previous support as its deprecated.
* Fix: css styles with radio select
* Fix: bug with modal shortcode inside pagebuilder.
* Update: strip tags inside tooltip for portfolio navigation.
* Add: Aria Label for social links.
* Update: prevent some post content from showing on custom posts.
* Fix: Issue with date format.
= Version 4.9.9 | 17th April 2019 =
* Fix: Elementor Nav Menu Mobile Issue.
= Version 4.9.8 | 17th April 2019 =
* Update: Paragraph Bottom Spacing.
* Fix: WC archive classes issue.
= Version 4.9.7 | 12th April 2019 =
* Update: WC 3.6 support.
* Update: Better Event Organizer Support.
* Update: Sprout Invoice Support.
* Update: CSS coments.
* Add: WP Body Open support.
= Version 4.9.6 | 29th March 2019 =
* Fix: Home Image Carousel
= Version 4.9.5 | 27th March 2019 =
* Update: Change Blocks Notify
* Update: Smooth scroll.
= Version 4.9.4 | 13th March 2019 =
* Fix issue with latest post slider.
* Tweak to the way woocommerce product images are resized.
* Fix: Instagram Icon.
* Add: ID for image menu link.
= Version 4.9.3 | 20th February 2019 =
* Update: Change the font color in Gutenberg Editor.
* Update: Woocommerce 3.5.5 support.
* Update: Instagram Icon.
= Version 4.9.2 | 28th January 2019 =
* Update: Add gallery-custom-links Support.
* Fix: Mobile sticky issue.
= Version 4.9.1 | 22nd January 2019 =
* Update: Remove Loop Schema.
* Update: Fix menu sticky offset issue.
* Update: Fix testimonial form issue.
* Update: Fix Portfolio issue.
= Version 4.9.0 | 9th January 2019 =
* Update: Image menu uses max-width in container (really)
* Fix: Sticky not the correct width in all browsers.
= Version 4.8.9 | 8th January 2019 =
* Update: Split Content widget elementor.
* Update: Mobile Menu title tag.
* Update: Slick.
* Update: Sticky (remove elementor conflict)
* Update: Image menu uses max-width in container and shortcode has a max-width variable.
* Update: (tweak gutenberg css).
* Update: Lots of Code refactoring.
= Version 4.8.8 | 5th December 2018 =
* Update: Better WordPress 5 support.
* Add: reddit to social.
= Version 4.8.7 | 23rd November 2018 =
* Fix: Brizy Menu issue.
* Add: Kadence Blocks Pro to bundled.
= Version 4.8.6 | 16th November 2018 =
* Fix: Missing Google plus Icon.
* Fix: Gutenberg css tweeks.
= Version 4.8.5 | 30th October 2018 =
* Fix: gutenberg css tweeks.
* Update: Notice from woocommerce 3.5.1
= Version 4.8.4 | 25th October 2018 =
* Fix: gutenberg css tweeks.
* Update: Icons issue in chrome.
= Version 4.8.3 | 24th October 2018 =
* Fix: small spacing issue in portfolio navigation.
* Fix: Mobile menu issue.
* Update: Notice from woocommerce 3.5
* Update: CSS tweek for product archives.
* Add: rel=”noopener” for social links.
= Version 4.8.2 | 10th October 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with gallery in product short description in product loop.
* Update: Woo content loop call for elementor builder.
* Update: allow staff, portfolio to add groups, types in gutenberg.
* Fix: issue with standard logo showing space if retina being used.
= Version 4.8.1 | 8th October 2018 =
* Add: Option to turn of sidebar on search.
* Add: Option to add search form on top of search page.
* Add: Call for Kadence Blocks if Gutenberg installed.
* Update: Woo content loop file.
* Fix: Issue with rev slider selection.
* Fix: Product Gallery issue with one product item.
= Version 4.8.0 | 2nd October 2018 =
* Fix: Old php causing issues.
= Version 4.7.9 | 1st October 2018 =
* Add: Logo width, remove need for retina logo.
* remove: flexslider js.
* Update: Woo product gallery lightbox.
* Add virtue_theme_options class.
* remove: carouFredSel
* Update: Home flex sliders to slick.
* Fix: Search no results was missing.
* Fix: Notice in staff loop.
= Version 4.7.8 | 12th September 2018 =
* Fix: Extra Space in contact form.
* Fix: Split content link target.
* Update: Option to turn off info in Youtube.
* Update: Gutenberg Styling.
* Update: Select2 loading and remove custom select.
* Fix: tab shortcode style issue.
= Version 4.7.7 | 3rd September 2018 =
* Update: incorrect warning from wordfence.
* Update: PL translation of Read More
= Version 4.7.6 | 22nd August 2018 =
* Fix: Captions issue with image carousel.
* Fix: Gutenberg Image fullwidth issue.
* Fix: Issue with importer install.
* Fix: issue with hidden products in cart.
= Version 4.7.5 | 13th August 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with portfolio permalinks.
= Version 4.7.4 | 9th August 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with contact and really old versions of php.
* Fix: Issue with turning off portfolio posts.
= Version 4.7.3 | 7th August 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with kadence slider update.
* Fix: CSS cache bust.
* Fix: Contact form email issue.
* Update: Gutenberg styling.
= Version 4.7.2 | 3rd August 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with updating not running through.
= Version 4.7.1 | 3rd August 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with gallery captions.
* Fix: Issue with contact form.
= Version 4.7.0 | 1st August 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with menu spacing.
= Version 4.6.9 | 31st July 2018 =
* Add: Default Page Template Sidebar Support.
* Add: Gutenburg Support.
* Add: Content Paragraph Bottom Margin.
* Update: Menu Walkers.
* Update: Start Breaking up CSS for progressive loading.
* Update: Gmaps has iframe fallback if API not present.
* Update: Gmaps JS loaded only when needed.
* Update: Only load validation JS when needed.
* Update: Only load infinite JS when needed.
* Move: author box to template for easier child theme control.
* Update: Fix hiding recent posts date.
* Update: Google Font json.
* Fix: Quote sanitation for the flip box.
* Update: Admin getting started page.
= Version 4.6.8 | 16th July 2018 =
* Fix: Post Image carousel lightbox caption.
* Update: Better support for events organizer archive.
* Add: Fullwidth content option.
= Version 4.6.7 | 6th July 2018 =
* Fix: Custom sizes in virtue: image widget.
* Fix: Max-width for intrisic staff grid.
* Update: Gallery caption, alt lightbox.
= Version 4.6.6 | 5th June 2018 =
* Update: lazy on home blog
* Update: add intrisic padding to image menu.
* Update: Add intrinsic padding to blog loop images.
* Fix: possible testimonial layout issues.
* Fix: Menu and lightbox overlay issue.
= Version 4.6.5 | 27th June 2018 =
* Update: JS fix for lazy load with iso.
= Version 4.6.4 | 26th June 2018 =
* Update: Testimonial link issue.
= Version 4.6.3 | 23rd June 2018 =
* Update: Allow breadcrumbs function to be overridden.
* Fix: Testimonial read more default.
* Update: WPML config for attachment id in string translation.
* Update: Javascript animation for better fetch as google rendering
* Update: Lazy load remove src all together, add filter.
* Fix: Issue with portfolio image carousel height on mobile.
* Fix: Overflow home title without sidebar.
= Version 4.6.2 | 15th June 2018 =
* Update: Template file changes, Add more elementor compatibility.
* Update: Better deactivation of theme lightbox (entire script not loaded).
* Fix: Image Carousel Issue.
* Fix: Ajax save in admin.
* Fix: Hentry issue.
* Fix: Overflow home title with sidebar.
* Update: Better fade in product gallery.
* Update: Carousel to use slick, remove carousel JS.
* Update: Lazy Load functions, fix issue with srcset.
= Version 4.6.1 | 5th June 2018 =
* Update: rev slider version.
* Fix: Mobile select resize issue.
* Update: Variation action.
* Fix: Android Mobile menu issue.
= Version 4.6.0 | 29th May 2018 =
* Update: Fix issue with topbar and header height.
* Add: option to auto download google fonts and load locally.
* Update: Woo 3.4.1 file.
= Version 4.5.9 | 22nd May 2018 =
* Update: Few changes for WC 3.4.0
= Version 4.5.8 | 18th May 2018 =
* Fix: Consent issue with testimonial form.
* Update: Revslider.
= Version 4.5.7 | 18th May 2018 =
* Add: Check WC version for do actions in variations file.
* Add: Option to make name field optional in contact form.
* Add: required marks on contact form.
= Version 4.5.6 | 17th May 2018 =
* Fix: Pagebuilder Row issue.
= Version 4.5.5 | 17th May 2018 =
* Add: Optional Consent checkbox for testimonial posts.
* Add: Optional Consent checkbox for Contact form.
* Update: Meta description that Google maps API is needed.
* Update: Woocommerce/content-product.php (moved most custom code into functions.)
* Update: Woocommerce files in prep for 3.4.0
* Remove: Comment form edits, update for better compatibility.
* Fix: Virtue Bold issue.
* Update: Recommended Contact form to WPforms
= Version 4.5.4 | 8th May 2018 =
* Fix: remove hentry class from portfolio posts.
* Fix: issue with fullwidth resizing to screen width when box is wanted.= Version 4.5.3 | 2nd May 2018 =
* Fix: Small issue with iso filter and sliders getting there height reset.
= Version 4.5.2 | 26th April 2018 =
* Fix: Icon select not showing right when an icon box created.
* Fix: Admin order select box issue.
= Version 4.5.1 | 18th April 2018 =
* Update: home_url to end in slash.
* Update: Sensei wrapper to check for search.
* Update: Add “required” to the api input fields so it’s clear you need both key and email.
= Version 4.5.0 | 11th April 2018 =
* Update: Update spitcontent widget, add description text align, max width and color.
* Update: Validator, button shortcode showed errors under certain situations.
* Update: Validator, meta “content” attribute was missing.
* Update: Virtue Image widget, add max width if using a shape and it’s smaller then container.
* Update: Breadcrumb new filter for custom post types, “virtue_single_post_type_breadcrumbs”
* Update: Started code refactoring Woocommerce theme functions, moved into new files.
* Add: Anonymization in Google Analytics to theme options.
* Fix: issue with comments and buddypress
* Fix: shrink header issue with slider above.
= Version 4.4.9 | 30th March 2018 =
* Update: Gallery image carousel for large galleries small images.
* Update: tweak shortcode support.
= Version 4.4.8 | 19th March 2018 =
* Add: Toolset support.
* Update: Image Menu shortcode/widget/home module
* Remove: Woo single product title file.
* Update: Template hooks.
* Update: various code improvements
= Version 4.4.7 | 25th February 2018 =
* Fix: virtue bold issue.
= Version 4.4.6 | 20th February 2018 =
* Fix: Group product quantity issue.
* Update: German Translation
* Update: Woo Templates
* Add: Xing to author box.
= Version 4.4.5 | 29th January 2018 =
* Change: small fix
= Version 4.4.4 | 29th January 2018 =
* Change: breadcrumb, move out of h1 tag.
* Update: Woo filter issue.
= Version 4.4.3 | 26th January 2018 =
* Fix: Woo shop issue.
= Version 4.4.2 | 25th January 2018 =
* Fix: Woo shop issue.
= Version 4.4.1 | 24th January 2018 =
* Add: Woo 3.3 support.
* Fix: Staff grid issue.
* Fix: Issue with safari and infinite scroll.
* Update: improved support for product filter plugin
= Version 4.4.0 | 20th December 2017 =
* Add: compatiblity with taptap plugin.
* Fix: PHP 7.2 error.
* Fix: issue with bold styling.
= Version 4.3.9 | 5th December 2017 =
* Add: Filter for portfolio excerpts.
* Update: Rev slider.
= Version 4.3.8 | 4th Decemeber 2017 =
* Update: Redux Framework.
= Version 4.3.7 | 29th November 2017 =
* Fix: Carousel two column issue.
* Fix: Staff Shortcode issue.
* Fix: Issue with gallery widget.
= Version 4.3.6 | 10th November 2017 =
* Fix: Home Image Carousel issue.
* Fix: Portfolio strip tags issue
= Version 4.3.5 | 9th November 2017 =
* Fix: https issue with admin taxonomies.
* Fix: CSS issue with arrows.
* Update: Parallax support.
* Update: topbar mobile nav id.
* Update: Carousel shortcode
* Update: Staff loop
* Update: Testimonial loop
* Update: portfolio loop
* Update: Lots of code refactoring, cleaning
= Version 4.3.4 | 22th September 2017 =
* Update: Blog Grid for infinite scroll safari issue.
* Update: Post default sidebar issue.
= Version 4.3.3 | 20th September 2017 =
* Add: Nocookie option to youtube shortcodes.
* Fix: portfolio issue.
* Fix: min icon issue.
* Fix: bloggrid issue.
= Version 4.3.2 | 19th September 2017 =
* Update: Fix class issue with page builder animation.
* Update: Menu classes.
* Update: CMB
* Update: Events list css.
* Update: Info text in theme options.
* Update: Add align option to virtue image widget.
* Fix: PHP notice if testimonials turned off.
* Fix: Issue with local scroll.
= Version 4.3.1 | 24th August 2017 =
* Update: Small Update to fix parallax.
* Update: Small Update to fix search issue.
= Version 4.3.0 | 17th August 2017 =
* Update: Small Update to the home custom carousel.
= Version 4.2.9 | 16th August 2017 =
* Update: Small Update to the carousel.
= Version 4.2.8 | 16th August 2017 =
* Update: Carousel Slider
* Update: Header footer scripts to add one for google tag manager.
* Fix: PHP notice if no product image set.
* Add: Minimal Icon option.
= Version 4.2.7 | 10th August 2017 =
* Fix: Mobile slider arrow link.
* Update: Custom Carousel, use intrisic.
* Update: Gallery Carousel.
= Version 4.2.6 | 28th July 2017 =
* Update: Small css fix for row separators.
* Update: Fix for shop sort select on mobile.
* Update: Fix for page title on woo pages.
= Version 4.2.5 | 27th July 2017 =
* Add: Animation options to page builder.
* Add: Row separators to page builder.
* Update: Image menu for better retina support.
* Update: Virtue: Image widget.
* Update: Virtue: Call to action widget.
= Version 4.2.4 | 17th July 2017 =
* Update: Checkout css for some odd browsers.
* Fix: Best selling carousel.
= Version 4.2.3 | 6th July 2017 =
* Update: Added support for revisions in custom post types.
* Fix: Woocommerce addon issue.
* Add: Tab and accordion widget.
* Update: Sensei Support
* Update: Custom 404 page.
* Fix: Mobile filter dropdown.
* Fix: If infinite is called without page nav.
= Version 4.2.2 | 27th June 2017 =
* Update: Slick slider added, started replacing all carousels and sliders.
* Update: Galleries lightboxes pull in captions first then alt if nothing else.
* Update: Infinite scroll 3.0!
* Update: Ready for WC 3.1
* Move: bootstrap js to it’s own file for better plugin compatibility.
= Version 4.2.1 | 6th June 2017 =
* Fix: WPML issue.
* Update: Admin Css.
= Version 4.2.0 | 5th June 2017 =
* Update: Base template wrapper to improve plugin compatiblity.
* Update: Admin Css
* Update: Rev slider
= Version 4.1.9 | 17th May 2017 =
* Update: woo template.
* Update: Vimeo Https
* Update: Blog Grid.
= Version 4.1.8 | 9th May 2017 =
* Update: Woocommerce file.
* Update: css.
= Version 4.1.7 | 25th April 2017 =
* Update: CSS issues
= Version 4.1.6 | 18th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue Select2
* Update: Language pot file.
= Version 4.1.5 | 17th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue WC notice.
* Add: Mobile logo to string translations.
= Version 4.1.4 | 12th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with ajax variations.
= Version 4.1.3 | 12th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with WC notice.
* Fix: Order details css.
* Fix: PDF Voucher Issue.
* Fix: Issue with product images not init zoom.
= Version 4.1.2 | 7th April 2017 =
* Fix: Update loop.
= Version 4.1.1 | 7th April 2017 =
* Fix: Saving image issue.
* Fix: Issue with WC notice.
= Version 4.1.0 | 6th April 2017 =
* Update: Fix Select2 variation issue.
= Version 4.0.9 | 5th April 2017 =
* Update: Featured products for woo 3.0
= Version 4.0.8 | 3rd April 2017 =
* Update: Reload Typography options.
* Fix: Search in admin select box.
= Version 4.0.7 | 3rd April 2017 =
* Update: WC 3.0
* Update: Image functions.
= Version 4.0.6 | 20th March 2017 =
* Small Fix: Breadcrumbs
= Version 4.0.5 | 20th March 2017 =
* Fix: lightbox title.
* Update: Breadcrumbs, Now look for “primary” from yoast.
= Version 4.0.4 | 13th March 2017 =
* Fix: Group product issue.
= Version 4.0.3 | 13th March 2017 =
* Fix: Group product issue.
* Fix: Smooth Scroll issue.
= Version 4.0.2 | 10th March 2017 =
* Fix: php Notice.
* Update: WPML config.
* Update: css for checkout.
* Update: Image resize functions.
= Version 4.0.1 | 6th March 2017 =
* Update: Woocommerce 2.7 Support.
= Version 4.0.0 | 21st February 2017 =
* Update: Fix accordion
= Version 3.9.9 | 20th February 2017 =
* Update: smooth-scroll
* Tweek: Tabs
= Version 3.9.8 | 13th February 2017 =
* Update: Pagebuilder padding.
* Fix: Ultimate member issue.
= Version 3.9.7 | 30th January 2017 =
* Update: mobile_detect.
* Add: Learnpress Support.
= Version 3.9.6 | 6th January 2017 =
* Update: Portfolio slider summary issue.
* Update: Polylang issue with date archives.
* Update: css for search.
= Version 3.9.5 | 4th January 2017 =
* Update: Excerpt accessibility.
* Update: Fix Notice.
* Update: Add Tab Description.
* Update: Status Check.
= Version 3.9.4 | 14th December 2016 =
* Fix: Sidebar Issue on search pages.
= Version 3.9.3 | 13th December 2016 =
* Add: Alt tag for icon images.
* Add: Loading gif to checkout.
* Fix: Admin icons selection issue.
* Fix: Issue with match height and infinite scroll.
* Fix: Issue with attachment images in posts
= Version 3.9.2 | 30th November 2016 =
* Update: Carousel shortcode img_height option.
* Update: Add title attribute to logo link.
* Update: Search form screen reader button label.
* Update: Admin scripts.
= Version 3.9.1 | 23rd November 2016 =
* Update: Carousel Slider on Feature page.
* Fix: Placeholder issue woo shop.
* Update: Few esc.
* Add: KT Galleries plugin support.
* Fix: Issue with icon boxes in theme options.
= Version 3.9.0 | 9th November 2016 =
* Add: ScrollWheel Zoom on Map in widget option.
* Add: Topbar off mobile toggle.
* Update: Schema.
* Update: match height on category.
* Fix: Select box issue in admin panel.
= Version 3.8.9 | 24th October 2016 =
* Fix: Split content link issue.
* Fix: Mobile image swipe issue on image carousel.
* Update: Few css tweaks.
* Update: Rev slider.
= Version 3.8.8 | 4th October 2016 =
* Update: Few css tweaks (fix header spacing issue).
* Update: Few Schema tweaks.
* Add: my-account option for main and mobile menu.
* Add: Option for default post sidebar id.
= Version 3.8.7 | 30th September 2016 =
* Update: Mobile Parallax Issue.
* Update: Typos.
* Update: woocommerce messages css.
* Fix: Conflict with BPS security in admin.
* Fix: Conflict with Next Gen in woocommerce.
* Update: Few Schema Updates
= Version 3.8.6 | 26th August 2016 =
* Update: Parallax
* Add: Testimonial Carousel Image Size filter.
* Fix: Issue with safari and some retina images.
= Version 3.8.5 | 16th August 2016 =
* Add: Filter for portfolio image sizes.
* Add: Match height option for blog posts.
* Add: Mobile slider switch for slider above header.
= Version 3.8.4 | 16th August 2016 =
* Add: Valign middle to simple box shortcode gen.
* Update: Small css changes
* Update: Clear instance option.
* Update: Staff order by options.
* Fix: Issue with home title offset.
* Fix: Issue with remove link in menu cart.
* Fix: Issue with mobile select showing.
= Version 3.8.3 | 8th August 2016 =
* Update: various css.
* Update: Polylang incorrectly reading wpml.
= Version 3.8.2 | 2nd August 2016 =
* Fix: Masonry Issue
= Version 3.8.1 | 2nd August 2016 =
* Fix: Polylang 2.0 issue.
= Version 3.8.0 | 30th July 2016 =
* Add: Optional Pagetitle (add option to turn off).
* Add: Option for dropdown menu item hover color.
* Add: Gravatar link on my-account page.
* Update: radio button offset issue.
* Update: archive template (fix issue with fullwidth full posts)
* Update: portfolio shortcode init.
* Fix: Issue with gallery masonry default.
* Fix: Issue with product flip if images are too small.
* Fix: Internal links for plugin install.
= Version 3.7.9 | 19th July 2016 =
* Update: Woo file.
= Version 3.7.8 | 19th July 2016 =
* Update: Custom Carousel Image
* Update: Recent posts carousel image.
* Update: Similar post carousel image.
* Update: Portfolio Image output.
* Update: Woo templates.
* Update: Page footer hook.
* Add: Option for sticky primary navigation.
= Version 3.7.7 | 13th July 2016 =
* Update: Woo radio button overlay issue.
* Update: Post Grid template files.
= Version 3.7.6 | 12th July 2016 =
* Update: Woo radio button js (added more combatiblity with other woo extensions).
* Update: hooks, filters various code restructure.
* Update: Flex slider.
* Update: Gallery options for no link.
* Add: filter to make Siteorigin editor work better when using shortcodes.
* Add: New Google Plus Icons
= Version 3.7.5 | 7th July 2016 =
* Add: woo_pagetitle_settings.
* Add: Getting Started page.
* Add: Option to auto include “read more” in custom excerpt.
= Version 3.7.4 | 27th June 2016 =
* Update: Post loop actions.
* Update: Google Maps.
* Update: Rev Slider
* Add: Two new footer widget options.
* Add: Remove default padding on image option.
* Add: New do actions to header.
* Fix: closedir.
* Fix: Reload issue with quantity buttons in cart.
* Fix: arrow with kt slider.
* Fix: Select2 admin issue with some plugins.
* Fix: Portfolio slider lightbox issue.
= Version 3.7.3 | 16th June 2016 =
* Update: woocommerce template file.
= Version 3.7.2 | 14th June 2016 =
* Update: Issue with portfolio summary sliders.
= Version 3.7.1 | 13th June 2016 =
* Update: Grid output in masonry even for really small images.
* Update: Mobile Header boxed.
* Update: Mobile Header if not tablet.
= Version 3.7.0 | 10th June 2016 =
* Update: Gallery output.
* Update: Defualt image for Portfolio type grid.
= Version 3.6.9 | 8th June 2016 =
* Fix: Small Js error
= Version 3.6.8 | 8th June 2016 =
* Fix: Small variable check.
= Version 3.6.7 | 8th June 2016 =
* Add: Run do shortcode in IconBox.
* Add: Breadcrumbs for staff.
* Add: WPML translation option for “home” in breadcrumbs.
* Add: Rocket Lazy Load support in grids.
* Add: After header shortcode input.
* Add: dropdown font size.
* Add: Caption option for home image carousel.
* Update: Rev slider.
* Update: Kadence slider (Large Update).
* Update: Language files.
* Update: Support for WC 2.6.
* Update: API inputs.
* Update: Intrinsic padding for grids.
* Fix: Testimonial notification email.
* Fix: Topbar CSS.
* Fix: Masonry in popup window.
= Version 3.6.6 | 23rd May 2016 =
* Add: beta RTL support.
* Fix: kad_blog shortcode bug.
* Fix: Issue with flipbox on IE.
= Version 3.6.5 | 11th May 2016 =
* Update: API Query.
* Update: Images loaded script.
* Update: shortcodes with wp_reset_postdata().
* Update: Search form.
* Update: Iconfont.
* Bug Fix: Gallery Carousel issue.
= Version 3.6.4 | 2nd May 2016 =
* Bug Fix: Defaults for single post.
= Version 3.6.3 | 29th April 2016 =
* Fix: for users still on PHP 5.2.
= Version 3.6.2 | 29th April 2016 =
* Add: Simple Mobile Header Option.
* Add: System status page.
* Update: revslider.
* Update: Theme options.
* Update: API consistency.
* Fix: Category issue.
= Version 3.6.1 | 22th April 2016 =
* Fix: Image upload in terms.
* Update: Single Post option.
* Update: Portfolio Single.
* Update: Small CSS changes.
* Update: API information.
= Version 3.6.0 | 19th April 2016 =
* Add: Mosaic Portfolio
* Add: API License entry.
* Add: Custom 404 Page option.
* Add: Option for no set height in single post image.
* Update: Revslider.
* Update: Blog Template.
* Update: Testimonial Carousel.
* Update: Add sidebar side selection.
* Update: Update contact form.
* Fix: Woocommerce template file.
* Fix: Home Template.
= Version 3.5.9 | 10th April 2016 =
* Update: Gallery Caption Setting.
* Update: Info Box to include alt.
* Update: sale-loop.php
= Version 3.5.8 | 31st March 2016 =
* Update: Image height for portfolio carousel.
* Update: src_set.
* Add: Icon flip Box Widget.
= Version 3.5.7 | 29nd March 2016 =
* Fix: php 5.2 issue.
= Version 3.5.6 | 29nd March 2016 =
* Fix: Filter for skins path.
* Fix: Issue with two image menu items when you click add.
* Add: Box Flip shortcode.
* Update: Button Shortcodes
* Update: Gallery shortcode.
* Update: Attachment page.
* Update: Gallery Options inside media library.
* Update: Srcset.
* Update: Call to action widget options.
= Version 3.5.5 | 22nd March 2016 =
* Add: Filter for skins path.
* Update: Variations Script to include srcset
* Update: Srcset for product image.
= Version 3.5.4 | 16th March 2016 =
* Update: Admin CSS for icons select.
* Update: hide a revslider notice.
= Version 3.5.3 | 14th March 2016 =
* Add: Autoplay option for carousel.
* Update: third party plugins api.
* Update: Clean Code.
* Update: Flex slider height options.
= Version 3.5.2 | 3rd March 2016 =
* Update: Parallax script.
* Update: Responsive images for shop output.
= Version 3.5.1 | 2nd March 2016 =
* Fix: Infinite scroll issue.
* Fix: Language strings.
* Update: Responsive images for shop output.
* Update: Relate and up-sales in woocommerce.
* Update: Customizer options.
* Update: Variations JS.
= Version 3.5.0 | 18th February 2016 =
* Update: related.php file.
* Update: widgets.php notice.
= Version 3.4.9 | 15th February 2016 =
* Update: Analytics Output.
* Update: Widget issue.
* Update: Post grid widget.
* Add: Basic fullwidth Slider to theme options.
* Add: Scripts to run virtue shortcodes button in category.
= Version 3.4.8 | 10th February 2016 =
* Update: Sensi support.
* Update: Carousel auto play.
* Update: Woocommerce file.
* Update: Icons.
* Add: Option for sticky mobile with menu each side of logo.
* Add: Order to blog shortcodes.
* Fix: Mobile Carousel lightbox issue.
* Fix: Theme options issue.
* Fix: Issue with no featured image and header image set.
* Fix: Various html updates.
= Version 3.4.7 | 2nd February 2016 =
* Fix: Menu issue.
* Fix: Ajax issue.
= Version 3.4.6 | 1st February 2016 =
* Add: Column option to blog_posts shortcode.
* Update: sticky js.
* Update: Topbar cart.
* Update: Fix Category image issue.
* Update: Woocommerce template.
* Update: PHP7 notice.
* Update: Mosaic gallery lightbox caption.
* Update: Post link navigation settings.
= Version 3.4.5 | 6th January 2016 =
* Update: Parallax on certain screens.
= Version 3.4.4 | 6th January 2016 =
* Update: Alt Text in carousel slider.
* Update: Testimonial Carousel Options.
* Update: Testimonial Grid Options.
* Update: Rev Slider
= Version 3.4.3 | 31st December 2015 =
* Fix: Very Small Update.
= Version 3.4.2 | 31st December 2015 =
* Update: Woocommerce update for Dolphin.
* Update: CSS.
* Update: Shortcode filter.
* Update: Workaround for certain servers with select2.
= Version 3.4.1 | 28th December 2015 =
* Small Fix: Lightbox JS
* Small Fix: CMB
* Update: Flex Slider Feature pages.
= Version 3.4.0 | 21st December 2015 =
* Fix: Title Tag SEO
* Fix: Gallery Lightbox issue.
* Update: Image Schema.
* Update: Theme Updater API.
* Update: Action hooks for portfolio.
* Update: Single post to look for max-width on video.
* Update: Rev Slider.
= Version 3.3.9 | 9th December 2015 =
* Add: Support and styling for Modern Tribe Events plugin.
* Add: Typed Shortcode.
* Add: Portfolio Tags.
* Add: Filter for blog grid image sizes.
* Update: Flexslider script.
* Update: Woocommerce hooks for better extension support.
* Update: Comment CSS.
* Update: Split widget options.
* Removed: Three woocommerce template files to limit update issues.
= Version 3.3.8 | 2nd November 2015 =
* Add: option for mobile to show on tablet.
* Add: Mosaic Gallery option.
* Add: html tag option for call to action widget.
* Add: New split content widget.
* Add: Option to turn on submenu indicators.
* Update: Woocommerce integration for better support of variation plugins.
* Update: CSS support for bundled products.
* Update: Comment Output.
* Update: a few css settings.
* Fix: Icon issue in theme options.
= Version 3.3.7 | 23rd November 2015 =
* Update: Youtube Shortcode
* Update: add banner for string translation.
= Version 3.3.6 | 20th November 2015 =
* Update: navigation walker.
* Update: wp_header call.
* Update: admin scripts.
* Update: rev_slider.
= Version 3.3.5 | 9th November 2015 =
* Update: Options Menu.
= Version 3.3.4 | 9th November 2015 =
* Update: Woo-template.
* Update: Column options for portfolio grid gallery.
* Update: Theme Options.
= Version 3.3.3 | 21st October 2015 =
* Update: Portfolio Type Options.
* Update: Testimonial Carousel Options.
* Update: Width Override for portfolio shortcode.
* Update: Iso_Override for Shortcodes.
* Update: ID tag for single post.
* Update: Plugin notice to only show for admin and added an quick filter.
* Update: Testimonial notice email option.
* Update: Rev Slider.
* Update: Simplify wp-title.
* Add: Breadcrumb shortcode.
= Version 3.3.2 | 9th October 2015 =
* Update: Footer html for two color background footer.
* Update: Quantity box css.
* Update: Portfolio Loop.
* Update: Related Products query to better pull from random.
* Update: Search in menu.
* Add: Option for video lightbox in Portfolio grid.
* Add: Option for Product Search in menu.
* Add: Option for Simplified Search Results.
* Fix: Portfolio Carousel issue.
* Fix: Conflict with sidebars.
* Fix: CSS Conflict.
* Fix: Shrink js for safari.
= Version 3.3.1 | 5th October 2015 =
* Fix: Possible error with some servers.
= Version 3.3.0 | 2nd October 2015 =
* Add: Arrow option on slider.
* Add: Header and Footer Script options.
* Add: Post Shortcode option for post head.
* Update: Woocommerce message output.
= Version 3.2.9 | 24th September 2015 =
* Remove: Redux welcome.
* Update: WPML file.
* Update: Radio JS.
* Update: Mobile button html.
* Fix: Default post image.
= Version 3.2.8 | 23nd September 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Smooth Scroll.
= Version 3.2.7 | 22nd September 2015 =
* Add: Alt option for gallery.
* Add: Theme Extension Off options.
* Add: New radio option js for more advanced options.
* Update: Theme options.
* Update: Rev slider.
* Update: Move plugins out of theme folder for easier uploading.
* Bug Fix: Ultimate SEO admin css issue.
* Bug Fix: Site Wide Call to action padding.
= Version 3.2.6 | 28th August 2015 =
* Fix: Text not translating.
* Add: Alt tag for product image.
* Remove: CDN Scripts
* Update: Rev slider.
* Update: Image widget
= Version 3.2.5 | 18th August 2015 =
* Fix: Revolution Slider Update
= Version 3.2.4 | 18th August 2015 =
* Fix: Small css update for landing page.
* Fix: Small google structure update.
* Fix: Small variations fix.
= Version 3.2.3 | 17th August 2015 =
* Fix: Youtube shortcode needs to be https.
= Version 3.2.2 | 17th August 2015 =
* Fix: wootab with gallery.
* Update: Support for min/max in variations.
* Update: Slight update in shortcode carousel css.
= Version 3.2.1 | 16th August 2015 =
* Fix: Mobile Select issue.
* Update: Google Data Structure.
= Version 3.2.0 | 13th August 2015 =
* Small Fix: Variation JS update.
= Version 3.1.9 | 12th August 2015 =
* Small Fix: Radio button variations on some servers
= Version 3.1.8 | 11th August 2015 =
* Fix: google maps issue in woo tabs
= Version 3.1.7 | 10th August 2015 =
* Fix: Odd image issue on some servers.
= Version 3.1.6 | 10th August 2015 =
* Update: in case your waiting to update woocommerce.
= Version 3.1.5 | 10th August 2015 =
* Update: WPML file.
* Update: Revolution Slider.
* Update: Woocommerce template files.
* Remove: Redux warning.
= Version 3.1.4 | 24th July 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Some servers getting caught in an endless loop.
= Version 3.1.3 | 24th July 2015 =
* Fix: Portfolio permalinks
* Fix: Small fix for image menu items.
= Version 3.1.2 | 23rd July 2015 =
* Fix: Few more small updates to make some strange servers work.
= Version 3.1.1 | 23rd July 2015 =
* Fix: odd error on certain php versions.
= Version 3.1.0 | 23rd July 2015 =
* Fix: Shortcode issue.
* Update: Languages.
= Version 3.0.9 | 23rd July 2015 =
* Add: Footer Call to action.
* Add: Footer Shortcode option.
* Add: Custom Carousel custom image size option.
* Add: Image menu item set height by image.
* Update: Main settings (move header style up for less confusion).
* Update: Staff shortcode.
* Update: Columns shortcode.
* Update: Theme Options Panel.
* Update: Customizer Options.
* Update: Customizer Carousel Shortcode Output.
* Update: Code structure.
* Fix: Better woocommerce extension support.
* Fix: Carousel better response when on ipad and turning.
* Fix: Carousel Gallery lightbox.
= Version 3.0.8 | 4th June 2015 =
* Fix: woocommerce WPML category translations.
* Add: google maps not draggable on mobile. Better for touch navigation.
* Update: Mobile menu max depth.
* Add: Search in mobile menu if on in menu.
* Add: Animate in css classes to custom add.
= Version 3.0.7 | 27th May 2015 =
* Add: filters for woo tabs.
* Add: Logo to customizer.
* Update: auto re-sizer.
* Update: Theme options.
* Update: TGM.
* Fix: wp auto wrap for custom tab 1.
* Fix: CSS with mobile sticky header.
= Version 3.0.6 | 14th May 2015 =
* Fix: CSS import issue (should help minify issues).
= Version 3.0.5 | 12th May 2015 =
* Fix: Woocommerce do_shortcode issue.
* Fix: Menu support of Uber Menu.
* Fix: JS Hook for infinite scroll.
* Add: Option for shrink header for center logo.
* Add: Filter option to staff shortcode.
* Update: Bundled RevSlider.
* Update: TGM script for recommending plugins.
* Update: Resizer to work better with jetpack photon… not that I really recommend using it.
= Version 3.0.4 | 23rd April 2015 =
* Fix: Mobile Menu with audio.
* Fix: Menu Cart Colors.
* Fix: Full width menu width when 940px selected.
* Update: Output WooCommerce messages on all pages.
* Update: German logout translation.
* Add: Title attributes for better accessibility.
* Add: Filter for shop product description.
* Add: Alt text option for virtue widget.
* Add: Flush Permalinks on theme activate.
= Version 3.0.3 | 13th April 2015 =
* Update: Theme options.
* Add: Page Title Filter.
* Add: Filter for Schema HTML.
* Add: YouTube option for author info.
* Add: Infinite Scroll to full content.
* Add: Option to turn off google scripts for multiple maps on a page.
* Add: Line height option for call to action widget.
* Add: Carousel Slider for posts.
* Fix: Shortcode Gen Script.
* Update: Image Carousel to break down at 767px and not 768.
= Version 3.0.2 | 3rd April 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Staff filter.
* Bug Fix: CSS retina select2.
= Version 3.0.1 | 27th March 2015 =
* Update: Temp Fix for theme options importer.
* Update: Breadcrumb to follow data-vocabulary and not schema.
= Version 3.0.0 | 25th March 2015 =
* Add: Mini cart for primary menu.
* Add: Search for primary menu.
* Add: Gallery Image Carousel option for gallery.
* Update: SEO Google Structured Data.
* Update: Theme options, fix for php 5.2.
* Fix: Allow Gallery and Shop Filter on the same page.
* Fix: Google Product Validation.
* Fix: Shortcode generator undefined item.
* Fix: Check for woocommerce is product carousel is added on the home page.
= Version 2.9.9 | 20th March 2015 =
* Added: New Landing Page Template.
* Update: Pot with missing language strings.
* Update: Theme options, fix for php 5.2.
* Bug Fix: Image Carousel Slider Pause Time.
* Bug Fix: Favicon code showing when empty.
= Version 2.9.8 | 11th March 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Product Flip.
* Add: Recent and Similar Carousel column options.
= Version 2.9.7 | 10th March 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Product Flip on IE 10 and 11.
* Bug Fix: Qtranslate shop breadcrumb.
* Add: “kt-custom-row-full-stretch” class and “kt-custom-row-full” class for fullwidth without pagebuilder.
* Add: Text Domain to stylesheet.
* Add: Master off for theme lightbox.
= Version 2.9.6 | 3rd March 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Theme options save bug.
* Add: Better Page pagination support.
* Add: Option for iso-style fitRow in gallery.
* Add: Four Column Image Grid option to portfolio options.
= Version 2.9.5 | 27th Feb 2015 =
* Update: Theme options, faster now with ajax.
* Update: Language Settings.
* Add: Offset options to post shortcodes.
* Add: kt_afterheader do action.
* Add: Image carousel link option for home page.
* Fix: CSS switch issue.
* Fix: Woocommerce WPML CSS icon issue.
* Fix: Woocommerce German Market issue.
* Fix: More consistent page-builder row styles.
= Version 2.9.4 | 19th Feb 2015 =
* Fix: Tab CSS Issue
* Fix: admin woocommerce issue.
= Version 2.9.3 | 19th Feb 2015 =
* Add: Turn off excerpt option for shop grid pages. For those with tons of shortcode content in the short description.
* Fix: Track order issue.
* Fix: IE9 CSS issue.
* Update: Language files.
= Version 2.9.2 | 14th Feb 2015 =
* Fix IE9 Issue.
= Version 2.9.1 | 13th Feb 2015 =
* Fix: lightbox issue with products.
* Add: No lightbox class.