= Version 2.5.7 | 23th July 2024 =
- Update: WC template notice.
- Fix: Issue with logo url in center style.
- Fix: Issue with php 8.2 deprecations.
= Version 2.5.6 | 10th May 2024 =
- Update: WC template notice.
- Update: Twitter/X icon.
- Fix: PHP notice with images.
- FIx: Issue with php 8.2 deprecations.
= Version 2.5.5 | 15th June 2023 =
- Update: WC template notice.
= Version 2.5.4 | 22nd November 2022 =
- Update: WC template notice.
- Fix: PHP notices.
= Version 2.5.3 | 13th June 2022 =
- Fix: Issue with custom links for gallery.
- Fix: PHP notices.
= Version 2.5.2 | 17th January 2022 =
- Update: WC template.
= Version 2.5.1 | 3rd November 2021 =
- Fix: PHP notices.
- Fix: issue with WC 5.8 and Select2
= Version 2.5.0 | 16th August 2021 =
- Fix: PHP notices.
- Fix: Select2 issues with woocommerce.
- Fix: Menu control issue.
- Update: Better Accessibility in swatches.
= Version 2.4.17 | 13th April 2021 =
- Update: Select2 issues for better cross browser support.
= Version 2.4.16 | 3rd March 2021 =
- Update: Variable select box for better cross browser support.
- Update: Add word break css.
= Version 2.4.15 | 11th February 2021 =
- Update: Woocommerce template versions.
- Update: Issue with social widget.
- Update: Schema issue.
= Version 2.4.14 | 17th August 2020 =
* Fix: Issue lightbox caption.
= Version 2.4.13 | 14th August 2020 =
* Fix: Issue with validator scripts.
* Fix: issue with WP 5.5
= Version 2.4.12 | 14th May 2020 =
* Remove: Google + from social widget.
* Add: Spotify to social widget.
* Update: Gutenberg styles.
* Fix: css issue with media class.
= Version 2.4.11 | 23rd March 2020 =
* Fix: Custom image size for Image widget.
= Version 2.4.10 | 10th March 2020 =
* Fix: infinite scroll with videos.
= Version 2.4.9 | 10th February 2020 =
* Fix: Portfolio breadcrumb bug.
= Version 2.4.8 | 22nd January 2020 =
* Add: Support for testimonial carousel shortcode.
* Fix: Out of date template notice.
* Remove: data-vocabulary.org from breadcrumbs.
= Version 2.4.7 | 19th December 2019 =
* Fix: Issue where product search shows transparent header when it shouldn’t.
* Fix: Issue with some undefined variables.
= Version 2.4.6 | 13th November 2019 =
* Fix: Breadcrumb Bug.
* Fix: Lightbox Gallery Block.
= Version 2.4.5 | 11th October 2019 =
* Fix: Elementor Bug.
= Version 2.4.4 | 9th October 2019 =
* Update: Breadcrumbs, new class better rank math support.
* Update: Allow Call to action to have larger padding.
* Update: Elementor Pro Individual Header and Footer Support.
* Update: Rev Slider.
* Fix: Chrome notice with nicescroll.
= Version 2.4.3 | 17th April 2019 =
* Update: Portfolio Type not selectable.
= Version 2.4.2 | 16th April 2019 =
* Fix: indivisible product issue.
= Version 2.4.1 | 15th April 2019 =
* Update: Woo 3.6 support.
* Update: Fix home page not showing fullwidth.
= Version 2.4.0 | 26th March 2019 =
* Update: Split button target.
= Version 2.3.9 | 21st March 2019 =
* Update: Custom 404 WPML support.
* Update: Tribe Events Title Support.
* Fix: Css Bug.
* Fix: PHP issue with 5.2
= Version 2.3.8 | 20th February 2019 =
* Update: Woocommerce 3.5.5 support.
= Version 2.3.7 | 11th February 2019 =
* Update: Shrink causing header offset in some browsers.
* Update: Bundled Plugin Versions.
* Update: Kadence Blocks Notice.
= Version 2.3.6 | 29th January 2019 =
* Update: Sticky to work with elementor.
* Update: Nav issue with other plugins.
= Version 2.3.5 | 8th January 2019 =
* Update: Sticky to work with elementor.
* Update: Menu issue with elementor.
* Update: IT Language files.
= Version 2.3.3 | 5th December 2018 =
* Update: WordPress 5 ready.
= Version 2.3.2 | 26th November 2018 =
* Update: Google Map Widget Issue
= Version 2.3.1 | 1st November 2018 =
* Update: Woocommerce Notice.
* Update: Gutenberg Support.
= Version 2.3.0 | 24th October 2018 =
* Update: Woocommerce Notice.
* Update: Contact for delayed load.
= Version 2.2.9 | 8th October 2018 =
* Update: Staff has force row option.
* Update: Staff grid uses intrinsic loading.
* Update: portfolio single image has filter for height.
= Version 2.2.8 | 24th September 2018 =
* Update: Customization link
* Update: Importer not installing correctly.
= Version 2.2.7 | 6th August 2018 =
* Update: Some Code cleanup.
* Update: Gutenberg Support.
* Update: Dashboard.
= Version 2.2.6 | 13th July 2018 =
* Bug: Footer issue.
= Version 2.2.5 | 5th July 2018 =
* Add: Mobile Menu option.
* Add: Better Elementor Support.
* Add: Improve Lazy Load.
= Version 2.2.4 | 13th June 2018 =
* Fix: Button Issue
= Version 2.2.3 | 12th June 2018 =
* Update: Kadence Recaptcha support.
* Fix: Ajax save issue.
= Version 2.2.2 | 30th May 2018 =
* Update: Instagram Icon.
= Version 2.2.1 | 30th May 2018 =
* Update: WC files for 3.4.1
* Add: option to auto download Google fonts and load locally.
= Version 2.2.0 | 22nd May 2018 =
* Update: WC files for 3.4.0
* Add: option for name not being required in contact form.
* Add: Option for privacy policy checkbox in testimonial form.
= Version 2.1.9 | 15th May 2018 =
* Fix: Portfolio Carousel Title Order issue.
* Update: Portfolio bottom carousel will pull from all equal level portfolio types.
* Update: srcset for blog header image.
= Version 2.1.8 | 7th May 2018 =
* Update: Woo Template files archive-product.php and single-product.php
* Update: Woocommerce hooks to change woo templates functionality.
* Add: Check if category has children before outputting filter.
* Add: option for consent checkbox with contact form.
* Fix: Minor translation issue.
= Version 2.1.7 | 27th April 2018 =
* Fix: Cart text
* Fix: css Stripe saved card alignment
* Add: Mobile topbar search icon focus.
= Version 2.1.6 | 20th April 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with php 7.2.4
* Add: anonymizeIP to google analitics settings.
* Fix: small issue with schema.
* Fix: validator updates.
= Version 2.1.5 | 27th March 2018 =
* Update: Testimonial input.
* Update: add auto focus when search icon clicked.
* Update: fix checkbox alignment.
* Add: New action hooks.
= Version 2.1.4 | 5th March 2018 =
* Update: breadcrumb event check.
* Update: fix parallax on ipad pro.
= Version 2.1.3 | 20th February 2018 =
* Update: slight change to breadcrumb html
* Update: Woo Templates
= Version 2.1.1 | 17th January 2018 =
* Add Row Seporators.
* Update testimonial input just to make sure no extras are made.
* Update support for new woo 3.3
* Fix issue with image menu image size.
* Update: breadcrumbs
= Version 2.1.0 | 4th December 2017 =
* Update: Redux Framework.
= Version 2.0.9 | 21st November 2017 =
* Add: Option for h2 tag in product.
* Fix: issue with page transitions.
* Add: order to portfolio shortcode.
* Update: Js cart spinner script.
* Update: Archive title to work with polyang issues.
= Version 2.0.8 | 9th October 2017 =
* Add: search results, updating support for attachments.
* Update: Spinner css support.
* Update: notice with product navs.
* Update: typo in image widget.
= Version 2.0.7 | 20th September 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with local scroll.
* Update: Image widget has a lot more controls.
= Version 2.0.6 | 12th September 2017 =
* Fix: issue with updraftplus and CMB
* Fix: issue with carousel not saving categories.
* Add: nocookie=true option to youtube shortcode.
= Version 2.0.5 | 5th August 2017 =
* Fix: issue with blog photo grid on archive pages.
* Fix: Issue with past defaults and typo.
* Update: blog grid shortcode 1 column.
* Update: Image menu for better retina support.
= Version 2.0.4 | 21th July 2017 =
* Fix: issue with blog grid.
* Fix: issue with defaults for portfolio carousel.
* Fix: issue with filter on mobile.
= Version 2.0.3 | 11th July 2017 =
* Fix: Photo Grid settings.
= Version 2.0.2 | 11th July 2017 =
* Fix: Post defaults.
* Fix: Rev update.
* Update: Shortcodes,
** staff allows 1 column and turning off name and content.
** Blog has tag, author_name options.
** Carousel has showtype option.
* Add: accordion widget.
* Fix: issue with infinite scroll
= Version 2.0.1 | 30th June 2017 =
* Fix: Page title metabox
* Update: Custom 404 page to force pagebuilder layouts to always take.
= Version 2.0.0 | 28th June 2017 =
* Update: CMB2
* Update: Ready for WC 3.1.0
* Update: Infinite scroll 3.0!
* Update: Slick slider added, started replacing all carousels and sliders.
* Update: Galleries lightboxes pull in captions first then alt if nothing else.
* Move: bootstrap js to it’s own file for better plugin compatibility.
* Add: Option for google tag output right after body open.
= Version 1.9.9 | 19th June 2017 =
* Update: Pl Lang
* Update: Rev slider
* Update: The_title output in attributes.
= Version 1.9.8 | 11th June 2017 =
* Fix: pagebuilder padding issue.
* Fix: admin select issue.
= Version 1.9.7 | 29th May 2017 =
* Update: admin css.
= Version 1.9.6 | 13th May 2017 =
* Update: Icon select in admin.
= Version 1.9.5 | 2nd April 2017 =
* Fix: Portfolio Video Lightbox Issue
= Version 1.9.4 | 19th April 2017 =
* Update: Select2 issue.
= Version 1.9.3 | 16th April 2017 =
* Update: Select2 issue.
* Update: Issue with variations.
= Version 1.9.2 | 12th April 2017 =
* Update: WC notice issue.
* Fix: Issue with product image init zoom
* Update: Schema.
= Version 1.9.1 | 7th April 2017 =
* Update: WC notice issue.
* Update: Lang files.
= Version 1.9.0 | 5th April 2017 =
* Update: Order issue with portfolio posts.
* Update: Select2 issue admin.
* Update: Featured products for woo 3.0
= Version 1.8.9 | 4th April 2017 =
* Update: clearing floats issue.
* Update: select2 issue.
* Update: Photon issue.
= Version 1.8.8 | 30th March 2017 =
* Update: select2 issue.
* Update: Rev slider
* Update: Woocommerce 3.0 Ready
* Update: Portfolio links to have more clickable space.
= Version 1.8.7 | 13th March 2017 =
* Update: prep for woocommerce 2.7
* Fix: issue in very old php.
* Update: Image sizing.
* Update: Admin Scripts.
* Update: WPML config.
* Update: Cart CSS.
* Update: Schema
= Version 1.8.6 | 6th February 2017 =
* Update: Shortcodes for php 7.1
* Update: function for really old php versions.
* Update: select2.
* Fix: few small plugin conflicts.
= Version 1.8.5 | 4th January 2017 =
* Update: admin CSS
* Fix: Portfolio tag sidebar issue.
* Update: schema.
* Update: my-account.
= Version 1.8.4 | 16th December 2016 =
* Update: Link in portfolio post.
* Update: z-index in admin.
= Version 1.8.3 | 12th December 2016 =
* Fix: Out of stock notice with certain languages.
* Fix: Issue with blog shortcode inside tabs.
* Fix: Issue with match height and infinite scroll.
* Add: gif spinner for checkout.
= Version 1.8.2 | 13th October 2016 =
* Add: Read more link in custom excerpts.
* Update: Schema
* Add: Staff posts to carousel shortcode.
* Update: Few css tweaks.
* Update: Staff shortcode.
= Version 1.8.1 | 30th September 2016 =
* Fix: Staff Links issue.
= Version 1.8.0 | 21st September 2016 =
* Fix: Older PHP users.
= Version 1.7.9 | 19th September 2016 =
* Fix: php notice with testimonial widget..
* Add: Filters for custom post type ‘map_meta_cap’ and ‘capability_type’.
* Add: Hook for breadcrumbs.
* Update: Icons.
* Update: Staff templates.
* Add: Email and phone to staff posts.
= Version 1.7.8 | 19th August 2016 =
* Small Fix: excerpt parsing issue with page builder and split content.
* Update: Language files.
= Version 1.7.7 | 18th August 2016 =
* Small Fix: change fitrows for home blog.
= Version 1.7.6 | 18th August 2016 =
* Add: Option to set blog grid posts with a match height.
* Add: Equal heights to icon menu.
* Add: Valign middle to simple box shortcode gen.
* Add: animate in classes.
* Add: Start delay for typed text.
* Update: Infinate scroll for photo grid.
* Update: Clear instance option.
* Update: Added support for Menu Nav Role Plugin.
= Version 1.7.5 | 4th August 2016 =
* Update: Fix issue with polylang 2.0
= Version 1.7.4 | 19th July 2016 =
* Update: Is dragable check for mobile in google maps.
* Update: Fix issue with radio boxes overflowing.
* Udpate: Woo Files.
* Add: Table options in shortcodes.
= Version 1.7.3 | 12th July 2016 =
* Update: Various hooks, filters.
* Update: Woo radio button js (added more combatiblity with other woo extensions).
* Fix: Woo Category output issue.
* Add: filter to make Siteorigin editor work better when using shortcodes.
= Version 1.7.2 | 8th July 2016 =
* Fix: issue with photo grid on front page.
* Update: Portfolio carousel issue.
* Update: Shop slider options.
* Add: Getting Started Page.
= Version 1.7.1 | 27th June 2016 =
* Add: Soundcloud to social.
* Update: API status.
* Update: Rev slider.
* Update: Google Maps.
* Update: hooks.
* Update: Home Blog Photo grid.
* Fix/rework: Image sizes.
* Fix: Select2 admin issue with some plugins.
* Fix: Default post summary issue.
* Fix: Portfolio Grid issue.
* Fix: Issue with sidebar on products.
= Version 1.7.0 | 17th June 2016 =
* Fix: woo-update
= Version 1.6.9 | 11th June 2016 =
* Fix: Gallery issue in accordions.
* Update: Gallery output even for realy small images.
= Version 1.6.8 | 8th June 2016 =
* Fix: Carousel single column.
* Fix: Animate in issue.
* Update: Gallery captions.
= Version 1.6.7 | 8th June 2016 =
* Fix: Captions stuck on wordpress gallery.
= Version 1.6.6 | 8th June 2016 =
* Update: IT Language file.
* Fix: Some servers not activating.
* Fix: Shop Header issue.
= Version 1.6.5 | 7th June 2016 =
* Add: Gallery Caption Default setting.
* Add: API inputs
* Add: Sitewide footer Shortcode
* Add: Staff Filter
* Add: Custom 404 page.
* Add: Rocket Lazy Load support in grids.
* Update: Theme Options.
* Update: Rev slider.
* Update: Kadence slider (LARGE UPDATE).
* Update: Intrinsic padding for grids.
* Update: Support for WC 2.6
* Update: Language files.
* Update: Responsive support for embeded videos.
* Fix: Testimonial notification email.
= Version 1.6.4 | 5th April 2016 =
* Update: Icon Box default color.
* Update: Srcset.
* Update: Gallery Options.
* Update: Mosaic Galley Improvments.
* Update: Ready for WP 4.5
= Version 1.6.3 | 22nd March 2016 =
* Update: Kadence Slider.
* Add: Filter for skins path.
* Update: Third party plugins api.
* Update: Hide a revslider notice.
* Add: Header and Footer Scripts.
= Version 1.6.2 | 3rd March 2016 =
* Update: Kadence Slider.
* Update: Arrow css.
* Fix: Language strings.
* Add: Infinite scroll to categories.
* Add: New Language strings to theme options.
* Update: Relate and up-sales in woocommerce.
* Update: Variations JS.
* Update: Responsive images for shop output.
= Version 1.6.1 | 16th February 2016 =
* Fix: Theme options issue.
* Fix: Various Formatting.
* Fix: Issue with no featured image and header image set.
* Update: Analytics Output.
* Update: Carousel auto play.
* Update: Woocommerce file.
* Update: Widget issue.
* Update: touch js for image carousel.
* Add: Landing Page template.
* Add: Product Navigation.
* Add: Feature option for first post in pinnacle: recent posts.
= Version 1.6.0 | 4th February 2016 =
* Fix: Mobile Carousel lightbox issue.
* Fix: issue with category.
= Version 1.5.9 | 3nd February 2016 =
* Fix: Mobile Carousel lightbox issue.
* Fix: Portfolio header defaults.
= Version 1.5.8 | 2nd February 2016 =
* Add: New posts carousel shortcode.
* Fix: Ajax issue.
* Update: Woocommerce template.
* Update: PHP7 notice.
* Update: Mosiac gallery lightbox caption.
= Version 1.5.7 | 6th January 2016 =
* Update: Parallax on certain screens.
= Version 1.5.6 | 6th January 2016 =
* Update: Woocommmerce update for Dolphin.
* Update: Shortcode filter.
* Update: Workaround for certain servers with select2.
* Update: Rev Slider
* Update: Testimonial Grid Options.
= Version 1.5.4 | 18th December 2015 =
* Update: Home Image Carousel for link option.
* Update: Schema for Posts.
* Update: Single Image Lightbox.
* Update: RevSlider.
* Update: New Updater API.
* Update: Gallery Option to use alt.
* Update: Single Portfolio Post with new actions.
= Version 1.5.3 | 10th December 2015 =
* Add: option for mobile to show on tablet.
* Add: Typed Shortcode.
* Add: Portfolio Tag Support.
* Add: Mosaic Gallery option.
* Add: html tag option for call to action widget.
* Add: New split content widget.
* Update: Comment Output.
* Update: Woocomerce integration for better support of variation plugins.
* Update: Flex slider script.
* Update: rev_slider.
* Update: product title output if hidden (schema).
* Fixed: Portfolio Shortcode.
= Version 1.5.2 | 9th November 2015 =
* Update: Portfolio shortcode option.
* Update: Theme options.
= Version 1.5.1 | 21st October 2015 =
* Update: Schema.
* Update: Sidebar Default settings.
* Update: AQ Size Notice.
* Update: Shortcodes.
* Update: Rev Slider.
* Update: Plugin notice to only show for admin and added an quick filter.
* Update: Simplify Meta title.
* Update: Parallax on archive pages.
* Update: Add page title filter.
* Update: Portfolio type page options.
* Add: Breadcrumb Shortcode.
= Version 1.5.0 | 24th September 2015 =
* Update: vimeo Shortcode.
* Bug Fix: Topbar widget area.
= Version 1.4.9 | 23nd September 2015 =
* Update: Rev Slider.
* Update: Theme options.
* Update: A few structure codes.
* Update: Radio Button js.
* Move: Plugins out of theme.
* Add: Tag description as the subtitle output.
* Add: Tag output option on blog posts.
* Add: View Details to Language Settings.
* Add: Breadcrumbs when slider is used on Category pages.
* Fix: Max output in related products.
* Fix: Css bug in visited link.
= Version 1.4.8 | 27th August 2015 =
* Fix: Delete Slide Issue.
* Remove: CDN Scripts.
* Add: alt tag in virtue image widget.
* Fix: Alt tag in product image
= Version 1.4.7 | 18th August 2015 =
* Fix: Slider update
= Version 1.4.6 | 18th August 2015 =
* Fix: Small css error.
* Fix: ajax radio variations.
= Version 1.4.5 | 17th August 2015 =
* Add: Default ratio portfolio setting.
* Update: Variation sanitation.
* Update: wootab with gallery.
= Version 1.4.4 | 13th August 2015 =
* Fix: Udpate Slider issue.
* Fix: Menu css issue.
= Version 1.4.3 | 11th August 2015 =
* Fix: Carousel Issue.
= Version 1.4.2 | 11th August 2015 =
* Fix: Theme options blog defaults.
* Fix: Issue with scroll amount in carousels.
* Update: Theme options code.
* Update: rev slider.
* Update: wp_widget for 4.3 release.
* Update: Wootemplate files.
= Version 1.4.1 | 2nd August 2015 =
* Fix: Odd Gallery Issue.
= Version 1.4.0 | 30th July 2015 =
* Fix: Map on contact page.
= Version 1.3.9 | 30th July 2015 =
* Fix: Portfolio shortcode.
* Add: Portfolio post image grid column option.
* Add: Call to action tag option for the home page.
* Add: Shop Excerpt off switch.
= Version 1.3.8 | 6th July 2015 =
* Fix: Odd Gallery Issue.
= Version 1.3.7 | 6th July 2015 =
* Fix: Typo Default Text string.
* Fix: Google Analytics not being called.
* Fix: Breadcrumb current title micro format.
* Fix: Staff shortcode limit content issue.
* Fix: Inconsistent grid with no margin.
* Add:
= Version 1.3.6 | 26th June 2015 =
* Fix: Extensions Turn off.
* Fix: Custom Product Tabs.
* Fix: Mobile product search in menu.
= Version 1.3.5 | 21st June 2015 =
* Fix: WordPress Gallery.
* Fix: Portfolio Permalink.
= Version 1.3.4 | 20th June 2015 =
* Update: Theme Options Panel
* Add: Options for removing portfolio, products, staff from admin.
* Add: New image menu feature.
* Add: Option for Prooduct Search in main menu
* Add: Option to use custom image ratio on custom carousel.
= Version 1.3.3 | 14th May 2015 =
* Update: Product sidebar default
* Fix: Post image carousel
* Add: Action hook after header.
= Version 1.3.2 | 12th May 2015 =
* Fix: Resizer.
= Version 1.3.1 | 7th May 2015 =
* Add: Lightbox off option.
* Add: Xing to social widget.
* Add: Shortcode slider overide on single post pages.
* Add: Comments on pages option.
* Update: Cyclone Slider Updater.
* Update: Bundled RevSlider.
* Update: Image size attributes for grid.
* Update: TGM script for recommending plugins.
* Update: Customizer Options.
* Update: Add lightbox php script.
* Update: Lots of code restructure.
* Update: Resizer to work better with jetpack photon… not that I really recommend using it.
* Update: Next post links with title on tooltip.
= Version 1.3.0 | 16th April 2015 =
* Fix: Testimonial issue.
* Update: Shortcode script force clear cache issue.
= Version 1.2.9 | 14th April 2015 =
* Add: Page Title Filter.
* Add: Filter for Schema HTML.
* Add: YouTube option for author info.
* Add: Option to turn off google scripts for multiple maps on a page.
* Add: Line height option for call to action widget.
* Update: Theme options.
* Update: Flexslider init delay for grid.
* Fix: Product Categories layout.
* Fix: Issue with shortcode gen.
= Version 1.2.8 | 4th April 2015 =
* Add: Hard crop option for post excerpts.
* Update: Theme options, fix for php 5.2.
* Update: Schema code throughout.
* Fix: Issue with undefined item in shortcode gen.
* Fix: Ipad Mobile Menu.
* Fix: Shop placeholder image.
* Fix: Check for revslider.
* Fix: Check for woocommerce.
* Fix: Styling for 2 column Shop.
* Fix: Header CSS issue.
* Fix: Scroll Gallery Issue.
= Version 1.2.7 | 20th March 2015 =
* Add: Collapsible submenus for mobile menu.
* Update: Pot with missing language strings.
* Update: Cyclone Slider.
* Update: Theme options, fix for php 5.2.
= Version 1.2.6 | 11th March 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Product Flip CSS
* Add: Recent and Similar Carousel column options.
= Version 1.2.5 | 10th March 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Home Page Slider background.
* Bug Fix: Porfolio Image Carousel
* Bug Fix: Product Flip on IE 10 and 11
= Version 1.2.4 | 5th March 2015 =
* Bug Fix: Theme options save bug.
* Add: Option for isostyle fitRow in gallery.
* Add: Better Page pagination support.
* Add: Four Column Image Grid option to portfolio options.
* Update: Inline Javascript in portfolio.
= Version 1.2.3 | 26th Feb 2015 =
* Update: Theme options, faster now with ajax.
* Update: Langauge Settings.
* Update: CSS styles with some widgets.
* Add: Blog Home template.
* Add: Shortcode offset options.
* Fix: Staff post issue.
* Fix: page-builder updates.
= Version 1.2.2 =
* Update: Woocommerce 2.3 fixes.
* Add: quantity input buttons back. (woocomerce removed in 2.3).
= Version 1.2.1 =
* Update: Contact Form
= Version 1.2.0 =
* Update: Parallax JS
* Add filter hook for sidebar.
* Add a filter for site title.
= Version 1.1.9 =
* Add: Comment box filter option.
* Add: no page title option for shop page.
* Add: Force fitrows option for shop.
* Fix: mqtranslate issue with contact form.
* Fix: CSS for the image split.
* Fix: Metabox CSS issue.
* Bug Fix: Woocommerce CRM icon issue.
= Version 1.1.8 =
* Small Fix
* Fix full Carousel on Windows
* Update Smooth Scroll
= Version 1.1.7 =
* Add option to set how many portfolio items show on a category page.
* Update for new pagebuilder.
* Small Fix for menu settings with center logo.
* Fix for portfolio home with no margin.
* Fix for post header.
* Fix for firefox hover.
* Fix for firefox columns.
* Small update to contact form.
* Update gallery shortcode.
* Update Tabs and Accordions.
= Version 1.1.6 =
* Small Fix for gallery posts.
* Remove to the top title.
* Fix for home page sidebar if shop page is selected.
* Update Theme Options.
* CSS Fix.
= Version 1.1.5 =
* Small Fix for full blog posts
* Child of for portfolio category shortcode.
= Version 1.1.4 =
* CSS fixes
* single post fix
= Version 1.1.3 =
* Update for carousel
* Update for search results
* Update shortcode slider option for any page.
* Add latest posts carousel
= Version 1.1.2 =
* Smooth scroll update.
* Soldout issue.
* Add image split shortcode.
* Change logo output (faster, better for mobile)
* Fix Category issue.
* Fix portfolio type filter.
= Version 1.1.1 =
* Hotfix for categories.
= Version 1.1.0 =
* Fix for blog category hide.
* Fix for hide topbar
* Remove theme wrapper
* Small css fix.
* Update rev-slider
* Fix arrow scroll for shrink header
* Button Border options
* Default image options
* Update Kadence Slider
= Version 1.0.9 =
* Add portfolio video lightbox option.
* Add Header text scroll fade.
* Fix for theme options icon menu.
* Fix for header background.
* Fix for out of stock products.
= Version 1.0.8 =
* Language updates.
* Add option for icon menu button to show without hover.
* Add hook for header overlay.
* Add option for center header style.
* Add Search results header style.
* Fix for visual editor widget.
* Fix product page title settings.
* Fix issue with css box not saving data correclty.
* Fix for category description.
* Fix for ajax cart in header.
= Version 1.0.7 =
* Fix for color background.
* Small css fix.
* Add my account link.
* Add hover style for button.
* Update language files
= Version 1.0.6 =
* small fix for sale carousel.
* small fix for custom portfolio header.
= Version 1.0.5 =
* Update fix for icon shortcode.
* Small fix for shortcode generator.
* Add portfolio category shortcode.
* Update Theme Options
= Version 1.0.4 =
* Admin css update.
* Staff shortcode gen update.
* Support for Woocommerce german market plugin.
* Support for events plugin.
* Fix single product issue.
* Menu sub fix
= Version 1.0.3 =
* Small change in header
* Small Menu fixes
* Update Kadence Slider
= Version 1.0.2 =
* Fix page sidebar issue.
* Fix small issue with header.
* Fix IE menu issue.
* Theme options small typo fix.
* Update math on contact form.
* Update Theme options.
= Version 1.0.1 =
* Update Theme Options.
* Remove double breadcrumb color.
* Re-work how fullscreen carousel/portfolio columns work. Created two new grid levels.
* Re-work javascript to work better with w3 total cache – minify.
* Fix language issue.
= Version 1.0.0 =
* Initial Release