= Version 3.4.10 | 23rd July 2024 =
* Update: WC Templates
* Update: PHP 8.2 deprecations
= Version 3.4.9 | 24th April 2024 =
* Update: WC Templates
* Update: esc author name.
* Update: X formerly twitter logo.
= Version 3.4.8 | 15th June 2023 =
* Update: WC Templates
= Version 3.4.7 | 11th November 2022 =
* Update: WC Templates
* Update: PHP 8.1 deprecations
* Fix: Lightbox conflict with block gallery.
* Fix: Issue wth missing alt text on topbar icon images.
= Version 3.4.6 | 17th January 2022 =
* Update: WC Templates
* Update: PHP 8 support.
= Version 3.4.5 | 17th May 2021 =
* Update: WC Templates
= Version 3.4.4 | 24th November 2020 =
* Fix: Theme options bug.
= Version 3.4.3 | 13th October 2020 =
* Fix: WC notice.
* Update: Post date format for schema.
= Version 3.4.2 | 14th August 2020 =
* Update: 5.5 support.
= Version 3.4.1 | 12th April 2020 =
* Fix: Issue with PHP 7.4
= Version 3.4.0 | 10th March 2020 =
* Update: Front page title logic to allow page meta to override theme options.
* Update: Menu Classes, fixes issues with elementor nav widget.
* Fix: Few php notices.
* Update: CSS for gutenberg.
* Update: Better responsive youtube embeds.
* Update: Woocommerce 4.0 support.
= Version 3.3.9 | 17th September 2019 =
* Add: Event Organizer Support
= Version 3.3.8 | 7th September 2019 =
* Update: Gallery Lightbox issue.
= Version 3.3.7 | 15th July 2019 =
* Fix: Google Map Issue.
= Version 3.3.6 | 12th July 2019 =
* Fix: Gallery Caption issue.
= Version 3.3.5 | 11th July 2019 =
* Fix: Image Grid widget Bug.
* Remove: Custom styling for Toolkit Notice.
* Fix: Possible Logo overlaping issue.
* Update: Tweek some JS files.
= Version 3.3.4 | 16th April 2019 =
* Update: WC 3.6 support.
* Add: WP Body Open support.
* Tweek Gutenberg styles.
= Version 3.3.3 | 20th December 2018 =
* Update: Tweek CSS for Gutenberg.
* Update: Change the font color in Gutenberg Editor.
* Update: Woocommerce 3.5.5 support.
* Update: German Language issue.
= Version 3.3.2 | 5th December 2018 =
* Update: WordPress 5.0 ready.
= Version 3.3.1 | 30th October 2018 =
* Update: Woocommerce notice.
* Update: Gutenberg Update Support.
= Version 3.3.0 | 24th October 2018 =
* Update: All Schema links use https.
* Update: Image placeholder.
* Update: Sidebar for blog posts page.
* Update: Woocommerce notice.
= Version 3.2.9 | 25th September 2018 =
* Update: Gutenberg Update Support.
* Update: Notice about Kadence Blocks
* Update: Pot file.
* Add: Banner Alt Text
* Remove Custom Select js.
= Version 3.2.8 | 8th August 2018 =
* Update: Gutenberg Support.
* Update: Menu walker.
* Update: Google Fonts.
= Version 3.2.7 | 17th July 2018 =
* Fix: issue with portfolio carousel arrows.
* Update: easier toolkit install.
* Add: Gutenberg Support.
* color sheme.
* admin typography styles.
* gallery lightbox.
* wide and fullwidth content.
* Add: Fullwidth Content setting.
* Add: Default page template sidebar setting.
* Add: Paragraph margin bottom settings.
* Update: Clean up code.
= Version 3.2.6 | 2nd July 2018 =
* Fix: issue with urls getting double slash.
= Version 3.2.5 | 13th June 2018 =
* Fix: Hentry errors in google console.
* Update: Add better support for elementor.
= Version 3.2.4 | 30th May 2018 =
* Update: Woo templates for 3.4.1 support.
= Version 3.2.3 | 21st May 2018 =
* Update: main.js with some changes in prep to remove flex, carousel libraries changed and load the min.
* Update: css for better support of comment checkbox.
* Remove: edits to comment form for better compatibility.
* Update: Woo templates for 3.4.0 support.
= Version 3.2.2 | 2th May 2018 =
* Update: Remove hentry from post class.
* Update: Move widget_upload.js to virtue_admin.js
= Version 3.2.1 | 19th April 2018 =
* Update: Grid widget to make sure all is all.
= Version 3.2.0 | 9th April 2018 =
* Update: Nav Class.
* Update: Post footer Meta.
* Update: Code refactoring Woocommerce hooks.
* Update: Code refactoring home sliders.
* Update: Better shop image rendering
* Fix: issue with comments and buddypress
= Version 3.1.9 | 26th March 2018 =
* Update: Video Issue.
* Update: Issue with rating in FF.
= Version 3.1.8 | 20th Febuary 2018 =
* WordPress svn not working forced to update version.
= Version 3.1.7 | 20th Febuary 2018 =
* Schema: portfolio post as creative work.
* Update: Woo templates.
= Version 3.1.6 | 31st January 2018 =
* Fix: Issue with portfolio carousel.
= Version 3.1.5 | 26th January 2018 =
* Add: Woo 3.3 support
= Version 3.1.4 | 16th January 2018 =
* Fix: widget issue.
= Version 3.1.3 | 16th January 2018 =
* Fix: image widget from not showing.
* Slight change product archive template.
= Version 3.1.2 | 12th January 2018 =
* Fix: image grid widget.
* Slight change product archive template.
= Version 3.1.1 | 27th December 2017 =
* Move: CMB to toolkit.
* Update: Metabox script to use CMB2.
* Update: Clean files spacing and code cleanup.
* Add: More esc for translations.
* Deprecate functions.
* Force users to pull favicon through customizer for better standards support.
= Version 3.1.0 | 21st November 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with blog full width output.
= Version 3.0.9 | 31th October 2017 =
* Change version for wordpress.org upload issue.
= Version 3.0.8 | 31th October 2017 =
* Add: Deprecated functions.
= Version 3.0.7 | 25th October 2017 =
* Update: Lots of code restructure, esc issues for php sniffer.
* Update: Cart url for woocommerce.
= Version 3.0.6 | 25th August 2017 =
* Add: string translate for blog category.
= Version 3.0.5 | 17th August 2017 =
* Fix: css import issue.
* Fix: POT so that esc_html__ is added.
= Version 3.0.4 | 8th August 2017 =
* Fix issue with WPML
* Update: Small CSS change
= Version 3.0.3 | 27th June 2017 =
* Fix issue with skip to content.
= Version 3.0.2 | 27th June 2017 =
* Update: ready for WC 3.1.0
* Update: Header and footer templates for better plugin compatibility
= Version 3.0.1 | 19th June 2017 =
* Update: Schema.
* Update: Small css update.
= Version 3.0.0 | 17th May 2017 =
* Update: Woo Template.
* Update: Schema.
= Version 2.9.9 | 9th May 2017 =
* Update: Woo Template
= Version 2.9.8 | 20th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with wc notice
* Fix: Missing icon in admin.
= Version 2.9.7 | 18th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with cart reload and quantity.
* Update: Icon font to include vimeo.
= Version 2.9.6 | 17th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with WC notice.
= Version 2.9.5 | 13th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with undifined varible.
* Fix: Issue with shop back link.
= Version 2.9.4 | 12th April 2017 =
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce zoom init.
* Update: Checkout CSS.
* Fix: Woo Notice.
= Version 2.9.2 | 3rd April 2017 =
* Fix: Small bug with thumbnails srcset and photon.
* Update: Google font options.
= Version 2.9.1 | 3rd April 2017 =
* Update: Fix for Jetpack Photon.
* Update: Fix for certain variation plugin.
= Version 2.9.0 | 31th March 2017 =
* Update: Ready for WC 3.0
* Update: Move user profile options to plugin.
* Update: Start integrating Kadence Image processing.
= Version 2.8.9 | 18th March 2017 =
* Update: Grouped Product issue.
* Update: Single Product issue.
* Update: Lightbox Title issue.
= Version 2.8.8 | 13th March 2017 =
* Update: Grouped Product issue.
* Update: Google Fonts
= Version 2.8.7 | 10th March 2017 =
* Update: Woocommerce 2.7 Support.
= Version 2.8.6 | 7th March 2017 =
* Update: css for checkout.
* Update: Image resize functions.
* Update: Woocommerce 2.7 Support.
= Version 2.8.5 | 24th January 2017 =
* Update: Fitvids.
* Update: Css.
= Version 2.8.4 | 24th October 2016 =
* Update: new version number.
= Version 2.8.3 | 12th October 2016 =
* Fix: Issue with Undefined variable.
= Version 2.8.2 | 11th October 2016 =
* Update: Issue with icons select not showing.
= Version 2.8.1 | 4th October 2016 =
* Update: Schema, now google doesn’t show “errors”.
= Version 2.8.0 | 13th September 2016 =
* Fix: Issue with cc icon.
= Version 2.7.9 | 12th September 2016 =
* Fix: Issue with post_thumbnail_html.
* Update: WPML Config.
= Version 2.7.7 | 29th August 2016 =
* Fix: Issue with portfolio carousel.
* Update: hooks.
* Update: CSS.
= Version 2.7.6 | 21st July 2016 =
* Fix: Empty category Image issue.
= Version 2.7.5 | 19th July 2016 =
* Update: Woo files.
* Fix: Issue with category images.
= Version 2.7.4 | 13th July 2016 =
* Update: Contact form Map API input.
* Update: Google plus icon.
* Update: Content Single template.
* Update: woo templates.
* Fix: woo issue with quantity in cart when updated.
= Version 2.7.3 | 16th June 2016 =
* Update: woo files
= Version 2.7.2 | 9th June 2016 =
* Update: Docs link for new docs.
* Update: Theme options.
* Update: WC 2.5.
* Update: RTL beta support.
= Version 2.7.1 | 13th May 2016 =
* Fix: Embed layout issue.
* Fix: Img srcset issue.
* Update: imageloaded.
= Version 2.7.0 | 4th May 2016 =
* Fix: Archive title with polylang.
* Update: Small woocommerce changes.
= Version 2.6.9 | 27th April 2016 =
* Fix: Portfolio single.
= Version 2.6.8 | 27th April 2016 =
* Update: Cat issue.
* Update: Screenshot.
* Update: Remove gallery boxshaddow if image border off.
* Update: Srcset for product images.
* Add: Filter for banner.
= Version 2.6.7 | 22nd March 2016 =
* Update: Cat issue.
* Update: Blog carousel issue.
* Update: Admin css.
= Version 2.6.6 | 2nd March 2016 =
* Update: Language strings.
* Update: Responsive images for products.
* Update: Theme Options. Add info for customizer.
* Fix: Issue with icon select.
= Version 2.6.5 | 16th February 2016 =
* Update: Portfolio order for title.
* Update: Widget issue.
= Version 2.6.4 | 4rd February 2016 =
* Update: lightbox issue.
= Version 2.6.3 | 3rd February 2016 =
* Update: Cart css.
* Update: Woocommerce file.
* Udpate: PHP7 Notice.
= Version 2.6.2 | 31st December 2015 =
* NEW FEATURE: Fullwidth Slider option.
* Update: Woocommerce for Dolphin
* Update: CSS.
= Version 2.6.1 | 9th December 2015 =
* Update: Woocommerce hooks for better extension support.
* Removed: Some woocommerce template files to limit update issues.
* Update: Comment Output.
= Version 2.6.0 | 10th November 2015 =
* Update: Clean up WordPress Title.
= Version 2.5.9 | 9th November 2015 =
* Update: CSS for mobile nav.
* Update: Woocommerce file.
= Version 2.5.8 | 31st October 2015 =
* Update: Woocommerce templates.
* Update: Head wp-title call.
* Update: Structure Code.
* Update: Few CSS fixes.
* Update: Redux.
= Version 2.5.7 | 2nd October 2015 =
* Update: Structure Code.
* Update: options.
* Update: header/footer to remove annoying “error” from plugins.
* Update: Woo Message Output
* Update: Portfolio Type options.
= Version 2.5.6 | 8th September 2015 =
* Bug Fix: woocommerce rating.
= Version 2.5.5 | 7th September 2015 =
* Update: Small CSS change.
* Update: Small JS varitions change.
* Fix: Small text doamin fix.
= Version 2.5.4 | 14th July 2015 =
* Bug Fix: woocommerce Ajax
= Version 2.5.3 | 13th August 2015 =
* Remove: un-needed files
* Fix: Small text doamin fix.
= Version 2.5.2 | 10th July 2015 =
* Update: WP_Widget to __construct.
* Update: Woocommerce templates.
= Version 2.5.1 | 29th July 2015 =
* Fix: undefined variable notice.
= Version 2.5.0 | 29th July 2015 =
* Add: Customizer options.
* Fix: Odd gif error on some servers.
* Fix: Home page visibilty options.
* Remove: Save Defaults.
= Version 2.4.9 | 6th June 2015 =
* Update: rel-link function to look for wp image class.
* Update: Various CSS styles.
= Version 2.4.8 | 26nd May 2015 =
* Update: TGM.
* Update: Image edit script.
* Update: CSS fixes.
= Version 2.4.7 | 22nd April 2015 =
* Add: Mobile Submenu Collapse Option.
* Update: Woocommerce Template.
* Update: Output WooCommerce messages on all pages.
= Version 2.4.6 | 13th April 2015 =
* Add: Page Title Filter.
* Update: Show color options in customizer.
* Update: Theme options.
* Fix: YouTube link in author box.
= Version 2.4.5 | 4th March 2015 =
* Update: Script version number.
= Version 2.4.4 | 4th March 2015 =
* Add: Accessibility skip to content link.
* Update: Theme Options (Faster)
* Update: Schema.
* Fix: Woocommerce tracking.
* Fix: WPML portfolio navigation.
* Fix: Secondary Nav Background.
= Version 2.4.3 | 17th March 2015 =
* Remove: “to the top” title tag.
* Fix: Validator alerts with mobile menu.
* Fix: Retina Logo for desktops.
* Add: Related posts Master setting.
* Add: Author Box Master Setting.
* Add: Theme Lightbox off switch.
= Version 2.4.2 =
* Add: Youtube option for author box.
* Add: category crop option.
* Add: Better Carousel Animate in.
* Fix: Menu widget
* Update: Language files.
* Update: Better Disqus Support
= Version 2.4.1 =
* Fix: IE9 Issue.
* Fix: lightbox issue with products.
* Tweek: CSS for portfolio grid.
= Version: 2.4.0 =
* Remove: Two woocommerce template files.
* Update: Css tweeks for woocommerce 2.3.
= Version: 2.3.9 =
* Add: masonry call to main.js
* Updated for woocommerce 2.3.
* Remove: Woocommerce shipping cart template, no longer needed.
* Add: quantity input buttons back. (woocomerce removed in 2.3).
* Fix for mobile orientation issue.
* Fix add icon issue.
= Version: 2.3.8 =
* Add: better security for custom css box.
* Fix: strange audio player conflict with mobile menu.
= Version: 2.3.7 =
* added text domain to style.css file.
* added un-minified scripts.
* added get_footer action hook.